Live streaming app Meerkat rolled out several major updates Wednesday
morning, including the ability to sign up on the platform through Facebook
instead of Twitter, a feature they are calling Cameo that lets you invite those
watching your stream to take over that stream for 1 minute, and a final update,
giving users the ability to save streams in something called the Meerkat
Library rather than simply on your phone. All of these are huge improvements,
and as we always talk about, things they have listened to users asking for.
I believe the
real “game-changing” update is the introduction of Cameo, however. With
Wednesday’s update, Meerkat added the ability to invite anyone watching your
current stream to take over. If the chosen viewer accepts, everyone watching
the stream can see that user make a “cameo” appearance during your stream for
up to 1 minute. Since inception, I have watched many users want to be able to
toggle between the original streamer and someone watching. This makes
engagement grow faster, as it gives the chance to have more of a “normal”
conversation between streamer and viewers. With one streamer, it is more of a
broadcast, but Cameo has made Meerkat much more inclusive, adding to more of a
community feel. For brands, Cameo is ripe with marketing possibilities. They
now have the opportunity to have their sponsored athletes, celebrities, and
influencers appear on their streams, to speak directly with their community.
The biggest
problem I have noticed with Meerkat is how regularly it drops streams. Though
this update has promised “bug fixes and stability improvements,” I still
watched interrupted streams as quickly as last night.
Currently, this
update is only available in the App Store and on Google Play. There has been no
mention of a date when Android users will be able to take part in these new
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